Reporting and Assessments
Pupils "make excellent progress" ISI 2022
Assessment is vital to the core functioning of any school environment. It is necessary to predict, measure and track progress so that appropriate personal and academic targets are set to ensure that all pupils achieve their potential.
Rigorous assessment allows for:
- Pupils and staff to determine their next teaching and learning steps.
- Teaching staff to report accurate information both formally and informally back to parents and families so they can play an active role in their child’s learning.
- School leaders to use the information for school-wide planning and support teachers and pupils.
- Our pupils to understand the expected standard they should be working towards or above.
At Kingshott formal assessment takes place throughout the year on a termly or end of topic basis. We use standardised formal assessments to ensure our children are working either at, or beyond, both personal and national expectations. This also allows for the identification of an individual’s areas of development within different subjects thus ensuring pupils make accelerated progress where necessary. The data gathered is closely scrutinised by Heads of Year as well as SLT to ensure all children’s needs are met.
Informal assessment takes place on a daily basis through highly skilled questioning by our teaching community as well as through the close observation and marking of pupil’s work. Regular conversations are held with the pupils to ensure they have an active role in identifying areas of improvement and areas of particular strength. The pupils take ownership of their own targets and are encouraged to reflect upon these and work towards them throughout the academic year. Department heads meet to discuss pupil progress and routine conversations take place amongst the school community to ensure everyone’s expectations of a pupil are uniform thus ensuring that all the pupils are supported in their own development consistently through the school.
Regular opportunities for reporting on assessment to parents occurs throughout the year. We are proud of our open-door policy at Kingshott and always recognise parents as the primary educators of their children. Our belief that parents are seen as partners in the teaching of the pupils means we always encourage families to speak to our teaching staff to discuss their child’s progress throughout the year. The child’s form tutor, subject teacher as well as the SLT will always be happy to meet to discuss progress.
There are also two formal parent evenings a year as well as a comprehensive report at the end of the summer term with the opportunity to discuss anything highlighted.