Outings, Trips and Visits
Throughout their time at Kingshott, children enjoy the opportunity to go on outings.
Whilst many are linked to curriculum topics, enhancing what is taught in the classroom, others may take place because they are just interesting locations to enjoy together!
Visits have included The Houses of Parliament, The Globe and The National Space Centre.
Regular visiting speakers share their expertise and experiences and broaden children's access to many topics.
These have included visits by a dance troupe, an ex-military officer on Remembrance Day, 'Charles Darwin' or an Olympic gymnast, to mention just a few.
Each term concludes with a number of Enrichment Days in which the children enjoy taking part in unusual and engaging activities off-timetable.
From Year 3 to Year 8 all children go on a residential trip. Seen as part of and an extension to the curriculum, these trips are designed to offer new challenges and develop self-confidence and personal responsibility.
In recent years, pupils have enjoyed trips overseas to places such as Seville, Barcelona and France. They have also enjoyed visiting Cornwall and Scotland and the Peak District. Our annual (optional) ski-trip is also a popular activity holiday for our pupils.