Encouraging our values
We encourage all our children to be caring and inclusive - to look after, and think of, others. They are two of our four school values:
- We are a caring community that emphasises respect and tolerance, that advocates kindness and generosity and that encourages friendship and well-being.
- Our inclusive outlook creates a welcoming environment that celebrates equality and diversity.
Whilst Kingshott is a Church of England school and follows the Christian calendar celebrating the main Christian festivals surrounding Christmas and Easter, we are also proudly a multi-faith community with a combination of pupils of faith (Christian, Jew, Hindu, Sikh and Muslim) and of no faith.
As part of the Religious Education curriculum, children are made aware of and exposed to the main religions represented in our school. They visit places of worship in the local community, celebrate religious ceremonies and are visited by leaders of various faiths.
Our weekly assemblies focus on moral and ‘values’ lessons. This is complemented throughout the school in form lessons and the PSHCE programme, and is reinforced by high expectations of good behaviour and a rewards system that celebrates ‘getting it right’.
Cultural development is excellent. Pupils develop their understanding of faiths and cultures other than their own through the opportunities provided by the rich multicultural community in which they learn.
ISI 2013