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Our approach to learning

Our experienced Nursery team ensure that exploration and enjoyment are at the heart of every child’s day. The children can choose from a wide array of fun activities, all the time learning skills that provide an excellent foundation for future development.​ 

The range of activities the children enjoy are regularly changed to reflect different seasons and topics. They are also adapted and developed from their interests, with staff responding to each child’s emerging fascinations and curiosities - supporting their growth and development through positive interaction.

Children also benefit from specialist teaching every week from PE staff and Modern Foreign Languages teachers, to regular sessions with Music and Drama specialists.

Children in the EYFS demonstrate a strong desire to explore and question, encouraged by their teachers, which helps to develop their growing skills.

ISI Inspection May 2022

In following the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum; we promote teaching and learning to ensure our children are ‘school ready'.  We also share and communicate each child’s learning experiences and developmental milestones through working in partnership with parents.

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