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The iPQ at Kingshott Senior School

Kingshott School Senior School do the IPQ as part of innovative curriculum 3The Independent Project Qualification (iPQ) is now embedded in our Senior School academic curriculum after launching it in the last academic year.  It showcases Kingshott approach to offering a rounded education that focuses on developing our students’ outlook, approaches and skills, fostering a culture of academic excellence and personal achievement. 

The iPQ is a highly regarded national programme which enables us to cultivate independent research skills among our students, setting the stage for a journey of exploration, creativity, and intellectual growth.

Through this program, Year 7 students are encouraged to choose and explore topics of personal interest, fostering a sense of curiosity and ownership over their learning. They continue their independent research projects under the guidance of dedicated mentors who are selected for their knowledge or interest in the students’ chosen field.  Whilst regular checkpoints and support sessions are planned to ensure pupils remain on track throughout the year, the emphasis is on independent and self-directed learning. At the end of Year 7 the students then present their findings at our iPQ Presentation Evening in front of their peers, parents and staff. As well as showcasing their presentation skills and newfound research talents, students and spectators are able to learn first-hand about a diverse range of interesting areas.  

The projects are independently assessed, providing an additional qualification for our students’ academic CVs. In our inaugural year, all Kingshott pupils passed, with 11 receiving a Merit and an impressive 16 students being awarded the highest ‘Distinction’ grade. 

We are incredibly proud to have launched this highly regarded scheme at Kingshott this year as part of our move to offer GCSEs. We look forward to all of our future students enjoying taking part in the iPQ over the coming years, as well as embedding key skills for life.