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"Pupils' Mathematical skills are excellent" ISI 2022

Aims of the subject:

The youth of today will have to solve problems and may take on a job role that does not yet exist. With this in mind, our mathematics curriculum aims first and foremost to develop analytical thinking, reasoning and problem-solving skills. We work with other departments to ensure maths is grounded in real-life applications and maths features in our STEAM activities across the school. A strong emphasis is given on developing rigorous mathematical vocabulary and notation from early on alongside excellent calculation skills in Pre-Prep which offers our students the opportunity to access mathematics at a high level in the prep school. From Year Five onwards, children are introduced to pre-algebraic thinking and algebraic notation. In these years, reasoning and problem-solving activities focus on developing children's ability to analyse information, investigate possible ways to solve a problem, find the most efficient method to solve a problem and write rigorous mathematical steps as part of the solution. By Year Eight our students are well under way in their GCSE maths preparation; our curriculum is designed to develop our children's skills in analytical techniques as well as the ability to use a range of mathematical tools in problem solving.

Assessment methods:

A range of assessment strategies are utilised in monitoring and tracking the progress of our children. Verbal feedback and observation of children's mathematical development through to informal summative end of topic or half termly quizzes and more formal termly standardised assessments. The focus of all means of assessment is in providing the teaching staff with an overview of our individual children's progress which supports us in ensuring that individual needs are met and all children make good progress throughout their time with us.

Teaching techniques:

In the Pre-Prep, mathematical understanding is developed through embedding maths topics in the content of other subjects, like English, Geography, History, Science etc. We focus on using practical manipulatives to deepen children's understanding of number and the patterns and relationships of numbers in our number system. Manipulatives are still used throughout Years 3 to 5 to support children’s mastery of the topics taught and the transition to a more rigorous mathematical notation. From Reception through to Year Eight lessons incorporate elements of both teacher-led and child-led activities such as group discussion, mathematical reasoning activities, peer work, individual work, investigations and problem solving.

Use of ICT within the subject:

Use of ICT is embedded in the teaching of mathematics; from Key Stage 1 our children are exposed to using appropriate learning platforms both at school and at home as part of homework. Number bonds and times tables are practised and consolidated through these platforms, in addition to the written practice taking place in class. Higher up in the school, learning platforms support the curriculum by providing an alternative means to practising or revising topics on a weekly basis. ICT is also used to support any project work that is assigned in the summer terms in Years Seven and Eight.




Page Documents Date  
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Year 8 Yearly Overview 08th Dec 2024 Download
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