Online Safety
Technology is empowering, but has its risks too; the Internet, and other digital and information technologies are powerful tools, and fast moving technologies, with new opportunities emerging daily, along with related issues.
At Kingshott e-safety is embedded in all that we do.
With the digital world operating 24 hours a day, children and parents need the skills to stay safe online, all the time.
The links that follow are some of the websites the children use, and are also to help parents, so that we can all "Click clever and click safe".
Have a look at the links wall below to see a visual representation of all the information we have gathered on online safety. Each link is clickable and will take you to the website or pdf. You can add comments. If you have any additional suggestions, please email Mrs Burrows
Each column is scrollable up and down and there are more columns to the right so use the horizontal scrollbar at the bottom.