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Posted on: 22/05/2024

Year 5 Peak District Trip

The Year 5s had a brilliant trip to the Peak District last week. Our first stop was Poole’s Cavern where we took a tour of the limestone caves and saw an array of stalagmites and stalactites. It was fun hearing about the history of the caves and seeing the underground river in full flow. We then paced up the steep woodland trail to Soloman’s Temple before heading to our accommodation at the Nightingale Centre in Great Hucklow. The children loved the freedom to play in the grounds, not to mention the delicious food, and they were pretty good at getting to bed at a reasonable time! 

The next day was spent at Cromford visiting Arkwright’s first water powered cotton spinning mill. Mrs Yates would have loved the interactive history museum where the children got to dress up and learn all about life as Victorian mill workers. They had a go with some Victorian crafts and got to go inside the original mill where a hologram of Richard Arkwright explained about his invention. The day also included a walk around Cromford to see and imagine how the mill workers would have lived. Those brave enough were shut inside the town’s pitch black cells! 

Everyone was excited about the Black Rock outdoor activity day and despite some pretty appalling weather, the children were incredible. The company remarked on how resilient the Year 5s were, not wanting to give up despite the torrential rain that meant nobody’s waterproofs were sufficient! They also commented that they had never had a group of Year 5s who were as competent at orienteering as our children were! The other exciting activities that the children tried were scrambling, abseiling, rock climbing and the tyrolean traverse. After everyone had dried up, we enjoyed pizza and a pyjama party followed by ‘Kingshott’s Got Talent’. Congratulations to Hattie, Hattie, Elise, Jana and Olivia who will be performing their winning acts to the rest of the school at some point this term, alongside their sparkling host, Mrs Hoy. 

The final day was spent cycling along the Tissington trail. The beautiful sunshine was matched by the stunning views and everyone enjoyed their cycle along the disused railway track before heading back for a picnic and an ice cream. 

The children were all a delight throughout the trip and we felt extremely proud of their positivity, bravery and politeness. 

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