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Posted on: 22/05/2024

Year 7 Dales Trip

Year 7 had a fantastic week away together, with students and staff all getting active with a range of different outdoor activities in beautiful surroundings.  

We spent a day canoeing and kayaking on Lake Coniston and this included jumping in from rocks on ‘Wild Cat Island’ (of Swallows and Amazons fame). 

In the Yorkshire Dales there was fun to be had rock climbing and ‘ghyll scrambling’ - spotting polished fossils in the walls of a stream cut down through limestone, whilst travelling down the stream and getting rather wet! 

Another day involved caving, donning helmets, lights, wellies and special caving suits, to go exploring the amazing limestone passageways - and of course splashing about underground. 

Back at base the relaxing evenings included delicious food, playing on the swings and a team skipping challenge. 

We all had a great time and the children should be very proud of taking on the various challenges with such bravery and boundless energy. 

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