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Category / School NewsMacbeth stands trial at Kingshott School!
Year Eight have been busy studying Macbeth this term and have relished the chance to put the characters 'on trial'!
As Kingshott brings learning to life, the pupils have not just been studying the text, they have been taking part in a series of interesting and lively discussions to help them to really understand and engage with the characters and plot.
The culmination was a mock trial with judges, prosecutors and characters from the play – Macbeth, Lady Macbeth, Banquo, the witches, and Duncan’s ghost. The pupils thoroughly enjoyed debating whether Macbeth or Lady Macbeth was more to blame for the murder of Duncan.
In the end the judges, Ethan and Holly, decided that Macbeth was guilty of the crime but was encouraged to commit the crime by his wife.
"This is just one example of how we try to encourage Kingshott pupils to really think, to engage with and begin to love literature," says Kingshott's Deputy Head, Fiona Payne. "It was the first time that we have put Macbeth 'on trial' - and from the pupils' response, we'll certainly be doing it again!"