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Category / School NewsKingshott pupils enjoy their weekly outdoor sessions in the Nature Area
Each week, Kingshott children enjoy an outdoor session in our Nature Area. Classes take it in turns to take part in a range of different activities which are all dependent upon the season.
This week it was the turn of 6S to help out in the Nature Area. The children learnt about leaving some ‘dead’ plants upright to provide seeds to birds through the winter and admired repair work to the grass carried out by the Y7s and 8s following the summer drought. They then set to trimming the honeysuckle, filling the bird feeders, planting spring bulbs, sweeping out the greenhouse, and weeding the raised beds.
The children really respond to having responsibility and ownership for keeping the Area in good order and clearly enjoyed themselves, right down to tidying up and putting everything away in the shed afterwards. Well done 6S! Next up; 5W!