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Category / School NewsKingshott is expanding to offer GCSEs
We are delighted to announce that from 2024 we are expanding our ‘excellent’ ISI-rated education up to GCSE.
For many years, Kingshott families have been asking us to continue our education through to GCSE, and this has always been considered to be a potential area for progression by our Governors. After careful consideration we are delighted that the decision has been made to expand, and three additional year groups (Years 9, 10 and 11) will be incrementally added to the School from September 2024 onwards.
“For over 90 years Kingshott has been inspiring and supporting children to achieve the very best start to their educational journey,” says Chair of Governors, James Bentall. “The School has continually developed and adapted the education it offers. Always with our pupils’ best interests in mind. These changes began 40 years ago, when Kingshott became co-educational, and it continued 20 years ago when our ambitious building development programme began. Therefore we are delighted to continue to enhance our school, as we extend our education up to GCSEs.”
Kingshott will grow naturally, with our first Year 9 pupils in September 2024 (our current Year 7s, who will be able to stay), becoming our first Year 11s to take their GCSE exams in June 2027. Current Kingshott pupils will be able to automatically move through to join our Senior School. New pupils – from Hitchin and across Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire - will be able to join after successfully completing our admissions process.
“Our values and the excellence of our education, both academically and pastorally, will remain consistent,” says Headmaster David Weston. “We will be supporting and stretching children, from age 3 up to 16, to achieve their full potential at every stage of their educational journey, culminating in their GCSEs. We look forward to welcoming more siblings, as well as new families who are looking for an independent senior school for their child.”
Over the coming years, Kingshott will further develop to ensure we are offering the best educational experiences for all of our pupils and to facilitate our expansion to GCSE:
- Our spacious site and first class facilities already provide excellent age-appropriate spaces and will enable pupil progression and growth as they get older. Additional facilities and areas will also be developed over the years ahead.
- In addition to developing a good range of GCSE subjects for pupils to choose to study, we will also be increasing the variety and number of learning opportunities and extra- curricular activities to complement our curriculum and expand all of our pupils’ minds and interests.
- All of our staff with senior school expertise (who are currently teaching our Year 7 & 8 pupils) will be joined by new additional senior school teachers who will bring even more senior school knowledge and experience to Kingshott.
We encourage all families, who would like to find out more about our move to offer GCSEs, or who are interested in their child joining for our Senior School (now or in future years) to contact us to arrange a discussion with our Headmaster.
Please email: toGCSE@KingshottSchool.com or telephone: 01462 432009