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Category / School News
Posted on: 17/05/2024

Nurturing young minds at Kingshott

Nurturing young minds is what we do best here at Kingshott and this is particularly true in our Early Years department. The years between Reception and Year 2 lay the foundation for all future learning. In these classrooms, we spark a love of exploration and discovery. Through play-based activities and a stimulating environment, our youngest pupils begin to explore the world - bringing even more 'Why?' questions home to you! They build strong communication skills, explore their creativity, and begin to make sense of the fascinating world around them. These foundational years are where a love of learning is truly ignited, setting the stage for academic success and lifelong curiosity. Here is a celebration of some of the wonderful work in these years, just this week: 

Nursery and Reception enjoying learning at Kingshott Junior School

This week in Nursery, some of the children were curious about how glue is made. After researching on the internet, we discovered how to create our own glue. By mixing flour and water, we successfully made our own glue and used it to create shape pictures.

Reception class enjoying making pizzas at Kingshott School

This has also been a really exciting week for the Reception children.  Our butterflies hatched and we released them all in the school nature area. We made our own pizzas under the guidance of our amazing kitchen team and then got to eat them for lunch. In addition, the children also had a talk from Leander's mum about being a vet. The children asked her some very interesting and thoughtful questions.

Year 1 enjoying learning at Kingshott Junior School

This week Year 1 have continued their Africa topic.  They have fully immersed themselves in the story of Handa's Surprise, acting out the story with wooden spoon puppets, and then wrote their own version of the story using a wonderful variety of adjectives and sentence starters.  They continued their learning in Art where Mrs Patel's class created Maasai tribe paintings and Mrs Self's class painted some of the African animals found in the Savannah.

Year 2 enjoying learning at Kingshott Junior School

This term Year 2 have been learning about London! All children have researched one of the landmarks for homework and in class we have used London landmarks as inspiration for our chalk drawings and clay tiles. We have been learning about the River Thames and the history of the underground. Some of the children have also shared their experiences of visiting London with their family.