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Category / School NewsWhat a week of Anti-Bullying activities at Kingshott!
Once a year, the Anti-Bullying Alliance choses a week for schools to focus on different aspects of bullying. This year was about how to avoid becoming a bully by treating everyone with respect. On Monday, our Year 5 Anti-Bullying Ambassadors assisted delivering an assembly to Years 1- 5 in this regard. They brilliantly explained what bullying means and then did an equally brilliant job in demonstrating how to treat people with respect. All the children appreciated the importance of this and went out into the playground to make the word respect in person!
Our Senior School pupils have also been focusing on Anti-Bullying week in their PSHCE lessons. They have been completing a series of difficult challenges in teams with a focus on being inclusive and demonstrating respectful behaviour whilst under pressure. Here is just one of the successful spaghetti towers built by some of the students in 7GS. They were all incredibly competitive but were able to reflect on the experience and how they worked with others in their team to ensure a positive experience for all.
During the week, pupils and staff across the school also took part in Odd Socks Day. There were some wonderful socks and embellishments!